lunes, diciembre 11, 2006

You used to be...

Saludos, gente, se que esta en inglés, pero me salió del alma. Lo publicó aquí con esperanzas de que alguien lo lea... y aprenda algo de él...

You used to be…

You used to be my love, you know?
To you I played my songs
Across my lands, across my life
I held yours as my own.

You used to be my life, you know?
The beacon in my fog
Tender and care as you once were
No more happy times for us.

You used to be my love, you know?
For your sake I cursed my own
Your smile and mine
Your eyes, the only thing that I adored.

You used to be my pain, you know?
As dreadful as it must
You cut my skin too very deep
And found there was no more.

You used to be my love, you know?
To you I swore and vowed
Across my life, across my skies
You hold my heart, no more.

You used to be my hell, you know?
As no one else compares
Across my veins, across my heart
You stabbed it as your own.

You used to be my love, you know?
But you are it no more
Without your eyes, without your sight
I search, again, for love…


Blogger Rodrigo said...

Come frijoles y nopales y recordarás la rima en español jajaja. Un poema corto, pero más que nada personal y se nota lo que aún sientes. Dicen que el tiempo lo sana todo, yo espero que sea cierto. Bien.


6:58 p.m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ya ves, por comer tanta hamburguesa y hot dogs jaja. Pues ta cotorrito jaja solo k si ya deberias cerrar esa parte del libro jeje bueno mi buen eso era todo.

12:22 p.m.  

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